Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development (IMED), Pune

BCA (Semester-V)

SUBJECT: Introduction to Linux

Day:Saturday                Time:10.00 am - 1.00 pm
Date:September 19, 2016Max. Marks:60

  • Part-I: Oral Examination (20 Marks)
  • Part-II: Practical Examination (40 Marks) - Please write your answers in answer-book before you type them at Linux terminal.

  • Write respective Linux commands to perform the following activities (ATTEMPT ANY FOUR)     (20)
    1. List all running processes
    2. Remove all files having extension .c
    3. Find which files contain a certain word
    4. Send contenyts of a file to a terminal
    5. Remove cprogs directory (must be empty)
    6. Change the password

    Write Shell Scripts to perform the following activities (ATTEMPT ANY TWO)     (10)
    1. Take an integer as an input and print integers starting from 1 upto that integer
    2. Take two integers as input and print maximum between them
    3. Take two integers as input and print minimum between them
    4. Prints the process ID

    Write programs in C or Java langauge to perform the following activities (ATTEMPT ANY TWO)     (10)
    1. Print integers from 1 to 100 using iteration
    2. Take a string as input and compare it with string LINUX
    3. Take two integers as input and print maximum between them
    4. Take an integer as input and print its multiplication table